Eastern Division
Society for Women in Philosophy
Contact: ESWIPGeneral@gmail.com
Promoting the Work of Women in Philosophy since 1972
SWIP Distinguished Philosopher
2024 Award Nominations
E-SWIP is accepting nominations for the 2024 SWIP Distinguished Philosopher Award, formerly the Distinguished Woman Philosopher Award. The purpose of the award is to recognize persons who (a) have made outstanding contributions to the field of philosophy, through scholarship, teaching or service, and (b) have significantly promoted gender justice in the field. We encourage nomination of any philosopher who belongs to a gender group subject to discrimination or marginalization, including cis women, trans women, trans men, nonbinary individuals, and individuals with queer gender identities.
All nominations should include the nominee’s Curriculum Vitae and at least two letters of recommendation describing (a) the candidate’s contributions to the field of philosophy, and (b) the candidate's work promoting gender justice in philosophy or supporting individuals from groups who have suffered discrimination or marginalization because of their gender identity.